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2 Louisiana men charged with intent to distribute ecstasy

by | Nov 13, 2012 | Firm News |

In Louisiana, being convicted of a drug crime carries serious consequences. Individuals who have been accused of drug crimes should explore all of their legal options for mitigating the negative repercussions. Before a court can find a defendant guilty, the prosecution must present sufficient, credible evidence to prove the suspect’s culpability beyond a reasonable doubt.

Recently, a 20-year-old man from Fort Polk and a 28-year-old man from Leesville were arrested on drug charges. Police in Vernon Parish claim to have been tipped off that ecstasy — a Schedule I narcotic — was being sold to local club employees.

While investigating the alleged sale, the police contacted the 20-year-old Fort Polk man at a local establishment. Investigators they say they found the young man in possession of 23 ecstasy tablets. Later, authorities also tracked down the 28-year-old Leesville man in a different establishment. He was supposedly in possession 25 ecstasy pills.

Each man is now charged with one count of possession with the intent to distribute. They were taken to Vernon Parish jail, where bond for each was set at $10,000.

Since ecstasy is a Schedule I narcotic, prosecutors will seek harsh penalties for defendants. Those penalties could be even more severe in this case, since the suspects are accused of intending to distribute.

In any case, police have to follow specific guidelines when making an arrest or obtaining evidence. If at any point authorities violate a suspect’s rights, then the action may be grounds for a reduction or dismissal of charges. Louisiana residents who have been arrested on drug charges need to be aware of their rights to fight the allegations.

Source:, “Two facing drug charges in Vernon,” Elona Weston, Nov. 2, 2012