For people in Baton Rouge, the prospect of punishment after a criminal conviction can be daunting. Regardless of the circumstances of the crime, it’s important that the criminal charges be investigated fully to determine the best possible defense. Those who face any kind of criminal offense can have their lives turned upside down because of it and self-protection is paramount.
A 48-year-old man was recently arrested on assault charges, battery charges and domestic assault after an incident with a woman in which he allegedly strangled her. According to the victim, the man assaulted her and when she left the residence, he followed her in his vehicle. Once he came to the realization that she was contacting police, he tried to run her over in his vehicle. The man was arrested on the listed charges as well as driving with a suspended driver’s license.
Regardless of the crime that is believed to have been committed, it’s imperative that there be a strong and thorough defense. Given the nature of many criminal charges and the harsh punishments that go along with them, a person’s entire life, career and family could be in jeopardy if there is a criminal conviction on assault charges.
In this case, a man has been charged with numerous crimes in relation to an alleged domestic assault against a woman. With the severe consequences that those charged with assault face if convicted, people need to know their rights under the law. With the right plan, people can craft a criminal defense strategy that can help reduce assault charges.
Source: WAFB, “Belle Rose man arrested for domestic abuse,” Michelle McCalope, Sept. 8, 2014