Complex Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense & Insurance Claims

Traffic accidents a leading cause of death

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2018 | Firm News |

Louisiana residents should be aware that traffic accidents are now the eighth leading cause of death for people of all ages worldwide. For children and young adults between five and 29 years old, traffic accidents are the first leading global cause of death. Accidents are especially dangerous when they involve pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists. Globally, only 29 percent of traffic-related deaths are car occupants.

The country a person lives in has a strong influence on his or her likelihood of dying in a traffic accident. Although only 1 percent of motor vehicles are in low-income countries, those countries are responsible for 13 percent of traffic-related deaths worldwide. Even though higher-income countries have better protections in place such as speed limit laws and traffic lights, accidents are still a leading cause of death.

Laws against drunk driving and speeding help reduce traffic-related deaths as do laws requiring the use of seat belts, child restraints and motorcycle helmets. Many countries have improved their laws, and as a result, traffic-related deaths in those countries have generally gone down. However, there are still countries that have not caught up to modern standards of safety.

One report explains that the conditions of roads and vehicles also have a part to play in traffic-related deaths. Poorly maintained roads can lead to vehicles swerving to avoid potholes. Undivided roads are more likely to result in head-on collisions, and roads that lack footpaths are more dangerous for pedestrians. Road debris is another common hazard that can lead to motor vehicle accidents.

Louisiana residents who have been injured as a result of a driver’s negligence may consider working with an attorney with experience in motor vehicle accidents. An attorney might be able to prove that a driver was at fault for the injury, leading to compensation for the injured party. Compensation may include pain and suffering, lost wages and other damages.