It is a serious offense to possess, distribute, sell or produce materials that portray or exploit a minor in a manner that is considered pornographic. Such possession or distribution of online child pornography is a federal crime that carries significant...
Complex Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense & Insurance Claims
Month: September 2016
Louisiana lawyers represent clients charged with federal crimes
A Louisianan who has been charged with a crime may be in shock. It is quite possible that he or she had no idea that prosecutors were even conducting an investigation. Prosecutors may have compiled extensive evidence and be prepared to move quickly while, at...
Louisiana’s habitual offender law seriously impacts defendants
A conviction for a drug offense can have major consequences for a Louisianan. From loss of personal freedom due to a lengthy prison sentence, to hefty fines, to a permanent felony record, a drug crime conviction can be life-altering. Additionally, a conviction...
Understanding the charging process for federal crimes
The federal criminal process involves numerous steps from beginning to end. Before a Louisianan is charged with a federal crime, an investigation will be conducted. Following an investigation, should prosecutors believe there is sufficient evidence to pursue...
Louisiana couple arrested for drug charges following bust
Being accused of any crime, no matter the severity, can have a huge impact on the life of the suspected offender. This is especially true if a loved one or close friend is also charged with the same crime. There is not only the possibility of harsh penalties...