Most residents in Louisiana deal with money on a daily basis. From buying groceries to tipping a waiter, the exchange of money is an essential transaction. Therefore, when money is produced that is not legitimate, known commonly as counterfeit money; the law...
Complex Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense & Insurance Claims
Month: November 2015
When do Miranda warnings apply for Louisiana residents?
Residents in Louisiana are likely familiar with Miranda warnings. Through movies and television shows, many people have heard the familiar "you have the right to remain silent" as a criminal defendant is led off screen by a stern officer. Despite their...
Redemption, bond fraud constitute white collar crime
White collar crime often occurs in the form of financial fraud. There are many different forms of alleged financial fraud, and with the accessibility provided by the internet, there is the possibility for individuals in Louisiana to obtain more information about white...
Defense attorneys counsel Louisianans charged with crimes
When individuals in Louisiana learn that he or she has been charged with a crime or is being investigated for alleged criminal activity, it can be a shock. The accused will undoubtedly want to do everything possible to protect his or her rights, because whether...