Many things will go through a person's mind when confronted with drug charges in Baton Rouge. Because the drug issue is treated so seriously by law enforcement, there is the possibility of serious consequences in the event of a conviction. This can include...
Complex Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense & Insurance Claims
Month: September 2014
Man faces domestic assault charges after incident with woman
For people in Baton Rouge, the prospect of punishment after a criminal conviction can be daunting. Regardless of the circumstances of the crime, it's important that the criminal charges be investigated fully to determine the best possible defense. Those who...
Defining possession with the intent to distribute in drug charges
Hearing about the drug charges of possession of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute is not altogether uncommon. The crime title may sound self-explanatory but it actually consists of three parts: possession, intent to distribute, and possession...
Louisiana man facing theft charges over livestock purchase
A Louisiana man purchased nearly 200 head of cattle last fall and has now been accused of never actually completing payment for the livestock. He was arrested and released on a $250,000 bond while facing federal charges for theft of livestock. A 30-year-old man...