A recently-aired HBO documentary received a boon in publicity when its star was arrested just prior to the airing of the sixth and final episode. Police arrested Robert Durst, millionaire member of the wealthy Durst family of New York, whose real estate fortune is...
Complex Civil Litigation, Criminal Defense & Insurance Claims
Month: March 2015
Have I committed computer fraud?
Computer fraud, also known as internet fraud, covers a wide range of activities that use a computer or the internet. Prosecutors alleging computer fraud are alleging that an accused has dishonestly used a computer to attempt to incite another person into taking...
Veteran Louisiana attorneys defend against criminal charges
If you are facing criminal charges, whether at the federal or state level, you may fear that you do not have any options. It can be daunting to hear what may be a long list of charges that the police are alleging, but it is important to explore the best...
Former baseball star faces felony charges after Louisiana arrest
Those who are convicted on sex crime charges in Louisiana face an uphill battle even after they serve time, pay fines or otherwise deal with the immediate penalties. While all those convicted of felonies carry that status with them, those convicted of sex...